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Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources


Welcome to the Nakdonggang
National Institute of Biological Resources.


The Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources is a research institute specialized in freshwater organisms and was established in June, 2016 under the Ministry of Environment to contribute to acquisition of the sovereignty over freshwater organisms, biodiversity conservation, and sustainable use of biological resources.

The Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources will do its best to become the world’s best research institute in collaboration with all employees based on creative challenge, future value creation, communication, and cooperation based on respect for life.

  • 1. it will become a professional institute that contributes to the development of the future mankind by discovering useful biological resources through creative challenge.
    It will build the foundation for the development of the industry that utilizes biological resources through the establishment of genetic resource bank, acquisition of culture technologies of useful resources, and personalized bio-industry support.
  • 2. it will secure the sovereignty over organisms and conserve biodiversity for enhancement and creation of the future value of biological resources. It will become the future leading professional institute of freshwater organisms through discovery of various biological resources, policy support for their conservation and management, and accumulation of information and utilization technology.
  • 3. it will provide the customer-oriented education and exhibition service through various exhibition facilities and participatory learning programs. It will communicate with the public by building a sustainable system of securing visitors and play its role as a hub of biological education in Yeongnam area through building a systematic educational system.
  • 4. we will build a sustainable management system by enhancing the transparency and efficiency of the institute operation. It will faithfully implement the role of the Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources based on the formation of the vibrant and productive organizational culture. Furthermore, we will communicate with you by providing the information sharing place through homepage. If you give us various ideas and opinions, we will take them seriously and try to provide the best administrative service.

We ask for your continued support and encouragement so that the Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources becomes a world-class research institute specialized in freshwater organisms.

Thank you.

NNIBR Director